Focusing on the positives

Focusing on the Positives

Table of Contents We all go through some tough times in life, that’s just life; it can’t always be a bed of roses. If by any chance it is, roses have thorns. Am not a pessimist though so don’t get me wrong. Life is what you make it and by staying positive through the bad […]



Table of Contents Do you ever feel like you need something so badly? You can actually pursue and archive what you desire, need or want. You can live the life of your dreams if you want. I love the fact that my dad never stops emphasizing this! The problem is that most of us pursue […]

Stop complaining!!

Stop Complaining

Table of Contents Can we just stop complaining… For those that know me well, i am not really a movie person. Nonetheless, When I first heard about Chadwick Boseman’s death, among feelings of sadness and questions like; “why too soon…?”, “how could this happen…?”, why is cancer robbing us of greatness…?”, I was touched by […]

Overcoming self doubt.

Overcoming self doubt

Table of Contents There is this monster called doubt! I am still in the battle field with it?. And yes, I am more than determined to conquer. Here is a piece of my thoughts and a few things that i have learnt on this journey to freedom. I felt the need to share! I think […]

Those baby steps…

Those Baby Steps..

Table of Contents Every time I read through my blogs, I realize I am my favorite audience. Those words speak to me as if they were never indited by me! I needed to hear them the most. This been swirling in my head for a couple of days now. I couldn’t help myself but just […]



Table of Contents I decided a few things. Settled a few things about myself I’d been struggling with. Mainly little things that have caused far too much anxiety. So… I let go.I let go of all the hopes and dreams and opened a mental bank account for the energy I spent on them. I’ll use […]


Dear Christian

Table of Contents Maybe there is something we might want to look into. A couple of days ago, news was trending about an retired Archbishop who committed adultery with a married woman. Very absurd. Media houses, social media and the likes were blowing out on the matter, hauling all sorts of insults and critisms towards […]

The trap in Growing and Growing Up

The Trap in Growing and Growing up

Table of Contents When I was young, I always thought growing to the 20s guarantees answers for pretty much all of teenage questions. I thought by being twenty, I would have it all figured out. I thought I would finally grasp who I am, what I want in life and what I want to make […]

The burden of living….

The burden of living..

Table of Contents I haven’t in my life come across a person who is genuinely happy!  If you are someone out there feeling like you are genuinely happy, kudos to you. I would like to meet you and ask you to tell me what you mean exactly by claiming to be genuinely happy. I want to be […]

Something you need to know about depression

Something you need to know about depression

Table of Contents Ever feel like your brain is a mess, and there seems no ready remedy, but, making peace with it for the moment? That time when two world-renowned boxers that we may call, anxiety and depression, are stationed in opposite corners of your mind’s arena. Each punching the other to make room for […]

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